Current Members


Ph.D. Students

Shuyu Li ( 25 EA ) more >

(Current) Ph.D. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul​, Korea 

M.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul​, Korea 
B.S. in ​the dept. of ​Multimedia Engineering, Shijiazhuang University​, China

Research Area : Deep Learning-based Music Generation​




Bonwoo Gu ( 4 EA ) more >

(Current) Ph.D. in ​the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

M.S. in the dept. of Game Engineering at the Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film in Chung Ang University​, Korea
B.S. in ​the dept. of Digital Contents, Sejong University-Seoul​, Korea​​

Research Area: Deep Learning-based Game AI

Yujung Rho ( 0 EA )

(Current)Ph.D. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 


M.S. in the School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan


B.s  in the dept. of Visual Communication Design, Kyushu University, Japan


Research Area:Deep learning, Large Language model(LLM), Reinforcement learning, Optimization Algorithms​ 

Sungwoo Kim ( 0 EA )

 ​(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI,​ Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea​

B.S. in the dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-eui University, Korea​ 

Research Area: Deep learning, Autonomous Driving

M.S. Students

Renjie Jin ( 3 EA ) more >

​(Current) M.S. in the dept. ​of Autonomous Things Intelligence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea ​

B.S. in the dept. ​of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 

Research Area : Robot Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning​​

Yongphil Seo ( 0 EA )

(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Reinforcement Learning

Jinseok Oh ( 0 EA )

​(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning 

Jiwoo Jung ( 1 EA ) more >

(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI,​ Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

B.S. in the dept. of Automotive Engineering, Sunmoon University, Korea​ 

Research Area: Deep learning, NLP, Autonomous Driving​

Youngmin Ji ( 0 EA )

​(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI,​ Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning Games/Virtualization

Bassole Yipene Cedric Francois ( 0 EA )

(Current)M.S. in the dept of Computer Engineering & AII​, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

B.S. in the dept. of Electrical Engineering, Institute of technologie of Sousse, Republic of Tunisia


Research Area: Deep learning, Autonomous Driving​

Yongjin Lee ( 0 EA )

​(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea​

 B.S. in the dept. of Mechatronics, Daelim University College, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning ​Games/Virtualization

Jeonghyeon jin ( 0 EA )

​(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea


B.s in the dept. Computer Engineering , Dankook University, Korea


Research Area : Deep learning, Large Language model(LLM)​ 

Inho Lee ( 0 EA )

(Current) M.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering & AI, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea


B.S in the dept. Computer Engineering, DongyangMirae University, Korea


Research Area : Deep learning, Large Language Model(LLM)​ 

Yurae Roh ( 0 EA )

(Current) M.S. in the dept of Computer Engineering & AI, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 


B.S. in the dept. of AI Software Convergence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea


Research Area : Deep Learning Games / Virutalization​ 

Jinhyeok Hyeon ( 0 EA )

(Current) M.S. in the dept. of ​AI Software Convergence​, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning ​Games/Virtualization


Seoyoun Park ( 0 EA )

(Current) B.S. in the dept. of ​AI Software Convergence​, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning ​Games/Virtualization​

Retirement & Alumni


Sumi Ji ( 5 EA ) more >

(Current) Marvrus

Researcher in Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul​, Korea​ 

Ph.D. in the dept. of Digital Contents, Sejong University-Seoul​, Korea​ ​



Ph.D. Students

Jeonghoon Kwak ( 39 EA ) more >

(Current)​ Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence: KIRO​


Ph.D. in ​the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea ​ 

M.S. in ​the dept. of ​Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Korea

B.S. in the dept. of Game Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​




M.S. Students

Shuyu Li ( 25 EA ) more >

(Current)​ Ph.D. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul​, Korea 

M.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul​, Korea 

B.S. in ​the dept. of ​Multimedia Engineering, Shijiazhuang University​, China

Research Area : Deep Learning-based music generation​​ 




Sejun Jang ( 10 EA ) more >

(Current) Wonder People(원더피플)

M.S. in ​the dept. of ​Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea ​ 

Research Area: Security




Zhe Jiang ( 1 EA ) more >

M.S. in the dept. of Autonomous Things Intelligence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 
B.S. in the dept. of Digital Media Technology, North China University of Technology, China

Research Area: Face Image Processing​

Jigang Wang ( 3 EA ) more >

M.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea
B.S. in the dept. of Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Korea

Research Area: Music Generation and Classification​

Yihang Zhang ( 7 EA ) more >

M.S. in the dept. of Autonomous Things Intelligence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea
B.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 

Research Area: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning​​




Yoojin Park ( 5 EA ) more >

M.S. in the dept. of Autonomous Things Intelligence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea
B.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea​

Research Area : DQN-based Character Controls​




Dohyun Kyoung ( 7 EA ) more >

(Current)​ Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence: KIRO​

M.S. in the dept. of Autonomous Things Intelligence, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea 
B.S. in the dept. of Computer Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University(GWNU), Korea

Research Area : Pose-based Transfer and Synthesis for Human Image​s




Jeonghoon Kwak ( 39 EA ) more >

(Current)​ Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence: KIRO​

M.S. in ​the dept. of ​Computer Engineering​, Keimyung University, Korea

B.S. in the dept. of Game Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​​ 





Taeho Jung ( 0 EA )

B.S. in the dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area : Robot Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning​


Dongju Jang ( 0 EA )

(Current) B.S. in the dept. of ​AI Software Convergence​, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea​

Research Area: Reinforcement Learning

Geunha Kim ( 0 EA )

(Current) B.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Reinforcement Learning & Artificial Neural Network

Yeonu Kim ( 0 EA )

(Current) B.S. in the dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering , Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Deep Learning ​Games/Virtualization

Junsung Kim ( 0 EA )

(Current) B.S. in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Research Area: Reinforcement Learning

Myunghyun Lee ( 0 EA )

B.S in the dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea

Reasearch Area:Reinforcement Learning

Jeonghoon Kwak ( 39 EA ) more >

(Current)​ Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence: KIRO​

B.S. in the dept. of Game Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​​ B.S. in the dept. of Game Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​​ 




Subeom Jeong ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Hyeonseok Jang ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Junyoung Lee ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Donghwan An ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Taejoon Son ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Yongmin Park ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​


Hyeongjik Cha ( 0 EA )

 B.S. in the dept. of Game and Mobile Contents, Keimyung University, Korea​